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On Education - Interviews with professors and department heads cover the hottest courses available at the eight higher education institutions and the resulting career opportunities.

Six questions often asked in interviews
for admission to postgraduate programs


Gordon W. Cheung

PhD Professor

Department of Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Now that submissions of applications to postgraduate programs have ended, it might be time to think about the next hurdle - the interviews for admission. Following are six questions frequently asked by interviewers:

Question 1: Tell me something about your job?

This is the most often-asked question at the start of an interview. What the interviewer expects to hear from you is how relevant is your job to the program. Be positive when describing your job. No interviewer will admit an applicant who complains about his/her job to a stranger. The interviewer will worry that you may also complain about the program to strangers. You should not over-emphasise the enormity of your workload because the interviewer may wonder whether you will have enough time for your studies.

Question 2: What do you expect to learn from this program?

Another way of asking this question is "Why do you apply for this program?" Do not show any ignorance about the program. In any event, you should have done your homework and informed yourself about the program before turning up for the interview. You should show enthusiasm for the program and a conviction that it will help you in your career.

Question 3: What is your career plan for the next 5 to 10 years?

No program director will admit a student if he/she does not believe the program can help his/her career. You should think about your career's medium and long term prospects and impress upon the interviewer the program's importance to your future. Show the interviewer that you have planned carefully for the future.

Question 4: In what ways can you contribute to this program?

Sometimes an interviewer may ask "Why should I admit you to this program?" Every applicant must have a reason for choosing a particular program, but not all can convince the program director that he/she is the right person to take in. When answering this question, do not over-emphasise your personal abilities because your classmates cannot share them. But you can share your work experience and your contacts with them.

Question 5: What do you think about ... [some current issues]?

Interviewers often ask questions about issues related to the program. For example, in an interview for an MBA program, the interviewer may ask questions about the government budget, or about civil service reform. Here is an opportunity to show you know what's happening around you and that you, too, have views on these topics.

But, you should not give the interviewer the impression that you might be an extremist by stressing your point of view too strongly, or passionately.

Question 6: One last question, do you have any questions for me?

Most applicants fail to provide good answers to this question. Half of them don't know what to ask and simply shrug their shoulders. Some 30% ask silly questions like "What am I going to learn from this program?" or "When will I be notified about my results?" Only 20% of interviewees ask intelligent questions like what the professor specialises in, or about specific contents of a module. This will once again show that you have prepared yourself for the interview and that you are serious about the program.

Taken from Career Times 2002/03/22


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